


Digital services company, Globacom, has encouraged girls in secondary schools in the country to disregard challenges and aspire to leadership positions in the country with full determination.

It made the call at the 2024 Girls in ICT Day held at the Oriental Hotel in Victoria, Island, Lagos.

Speaking at the event, Mrs Kemi Fadipe, who represented Globacom urged the school girls to be passionate in their quest to achieve their dreams, advising them to give priority to their education, seek mentorship and guidance from successful women, as well as build a network of supportive peers, teachers, family members, and mentors who believe in their potential to lay a strong foundation for leadership roles in the future.

Mrs. Fadipe also encouraged them to keep volunteering for leadership roles in projects, clubs, or community initiatives. “Taking on responsibilities demonstrates initiative, builds confidence, and showcases leadership potential, adding that they should also step out of their comfort zones, embrace new experiences, and view setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning”, she noted.

According to her, “In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and innovation, encouraging girls to pursue STEM education (Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics) is not only essential for their individual development but also crucial for fostering gender equality and driving societal progress.

“STEM education fosters a lifelong passion for learning and a growth mindset—a belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Fantastic leaders continuously seek knowledge, adapt to change, and inspire continuous improvement”.

She cited several examples of women with STEM backgrounds who have attained positions both in Nigeria and beyond and observed that their exceptional leadership skills, resilience, and dedication have made them “serve as inspiring role models for future generations of female leaders in Africa and beyond”.

The event was attended by secondary school students from selected schools in Lagos and Ogun states.

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