In consonance with the Chief of Naval Staff’s Strategic Directive 2023-6, the Naval Engineering Services Limited, on Friday successfully organised a comprehensive painting training programme for Nigerian Navy personnel.
The programme was held at the Admiralty Conference Hall, Naval Dockyard Limited, Victoria Island, Lagos under the visionary leadership of Rear Admiral Baratuaipri Iyalla.
The four-session training featured expert resource persons from Regency Overseas Limited, Company, Jotun Paints, and Infinity Paints International Limited.

It was learnt that the training would contribute immensely to improving hull and building maintenance in the Nigerian Navy while bringing down costs through the use of innovative products; some of which were showcased by Messrs Jotun Paints Limited.
The sessions covered Marine basics, corrosion protection, anti-fouling, onboard maintenance, and paint estimation. The training also intimated participants with highlights of innovations in the paint industry.
Naval Engineering Services Limited also used the opportunity to highlight the ongoing efforts to solidify and formalize a partnership with Messrs Jotun Paints.
Distinguished guests present at the training include the Flag Officer Commanding Naval Doctrine Command Rear Admiral HD Zakaria, who also stood in for the GMD Navy Holdings Limited.

Other Special Guests were The Flag Officer Commanding (FOC), Western Naval Command, who was represented by Rear Admiral A Baba-Inna, The Commander Fleet Support Group Western Naval Command, Commodore IG Ikonne, The Admiral Superintendent Naval Ordinance Depot, represented by Commodore SM Ahmed, The MD/CEO Infinity Paints International Limited, Mr. Sehinde Johnson, and The MD Regency Overseas Company Limited Mr. Jagdish Jerhvani.
The event witnessed an impressive turnout of participants from various ships, culminating in engaging discussions, interactions, and memorable group photographs.